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Wudhu and Ghusl

for Women.


Ablutions is an Islamic ritual of purification by water. There are three types of ablutions: great ablutions (ġhusl, غسل, ritual bath) and small ablutions (wuḍū ', وءوء, ablution) and dry ablutions. These ablutions aim to put themselves in a state of ritual purity to perform the prayer (salat) for example. It is also a privilege and a blessing granted by Allah to the Muslims to everyday until sleeping be clean our sins.

- Reward of Performing Ablutions-

Several hadiths have been reported on this subject, so we merely cite a few :

The Prophet صلّى الله عليه و سلّم said :

« When a Muslim, or a believer, washes his face (in the course of Wudu), every sin which he committed with his eyes, will be washed away from his face with water, or with the last drop of water; when he washes his hands, every sin which is committed by his hands will be effaced from his hands with the water, or with the last drop of water; and when he washes his feet, every sin his feet committed will be washed away with the water, or with the last drop of water; until he finally emerges cleansed of all his sins. »


"He who performs the Wudu perfectly (i.e., according to Sunnah), his sins will depart from his body, even from under his nails.” " He who performs Wudu like this, his previous sins will be forgiven and his Salat and walking to the mosque will be considered as supererogatory act of worship.".

[ Muslim ]

« On the Day of Resurrection, my followers (or Ummah) will be summoned ‘Al-Ghurr Al-Muhajjalun‘ from the traces of Wudu ».

[Al-Bukhari and Muslim]

Imma Nawawi rahimahullah explains this name, “The word “Ghurr” is the plural of “Agharr” which means shining or white. It is used for animals (like a horse), i.e., a white mark on its face. Here, it refers to that radiance which will issue from the brows of the believers on the Day of Resurrection and which will make them prominent. Muhajjalun is from Tahjil which also means whiteness but it is used for that whiteness which is found on all the four or at least on three legs of a horse. Here, it refers to that light which will shine through the hands and feet of the believers because of their habit of performing Wudu’. This means that the believers among the Muslims will be distinguished from other communities by virtue of the radiance issuing from their faces, hands and feet on the Day of Resurrection in the same way that a horse with a white forehead is easily distinguised from other horses. »

« The adornment of the believer (in Jannah) will reach the places where the water of Wudu reaches (his body). ».

[ Muslim ]

- How to Perform Ablution -

Minor Ablution (El-Wudu)

1. Have the intention in your heart of purifie yourself and say "Bismillah".

The water used must be pure, colorless, odorless and tasteless..

2. Wash your hands up to your wrists 3 times

3. Put water in the mouth with the right hand and reject it 3 times.

4. Put water in the nose with the right hand and reject it 3 times.

5. Wash your face with your right hand 3 times.

6. Wash the forearms to the elbow, starting with the right 3 times.

7. Pass both wet hands, going from the forehead, to the hair up to the neck, in 1 time.

8. Clean your ears from inside and outside 1 time for each ear. The water must be poured into the ear and the index finger used to wash the inside of the ear and the thumb for the outside of the ear.

9. Wash the feet to the ankles starting with the right foot 3 times. Do not forget between the toes.

10. Finally say the Shahada :

"Ach-hadou an lâ ilaha illallah wahdahou la charikalah, wa ach-hadou anna mouhammadane rassoula Allah"

"I bear witness that there is no god but Allah, and I bear witness that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah."

Voilà !

Good to Know :

The left hand should not touch the right hand during your ablutions.

The right hand is the one with which you perform your ablutions. When you perform a gesture to purify the right hand, just take the water with your right hand and "handle" it under the flow of water and leave it on that same hand. Then to purify the left hand you can use your right hand to see help to restart the water on it (left).

When ?

The ablution intended for any ritual practice whose fulfillment is valid only in a state of purification such as prayer (salat), circumambulation (tawaf) around the Ka'ba, whether these are divine obligations, Or, subrogations, as well as to touch a copy of the Quran [in Arabic].

What Annuls Them ?

- When you urinate

- When you do your natural needs

- When you sleep deeply (to find out it is enough to hold something in one hand firmly, if on awakening you have let go it means you have had a deep sleep).

- When you emit a gas

- When you touch your naked intimate parts

- When you lose a significant amount of blood

- When you faint

Major Ablution (El-Ghusl)

1. Have the intention in your heart of purifie yourself and say "Bismillah".

The water used must be pure, colorless, odorless and tasteless.

2. Wash your hands up to your wrists 3 times poignets 3 times.

3. Wash the intimate parts and their surroundings from front to back (area of ​​the body that above the knees and below the navel) 1 time.

4. Do minor ablutions (scroll up)

5. Pour water on the head (and rub the hair to touch skull) 3 times.

6. Pour and pass water on the right side of the body, washing your neck, chest, belly, navel, legs and back. (Ie the right part of the neck, the right breast, the right part of the belly, the right leg, part of the back to the right).

Then repeat the operation on the left side of the body.

The goal being that water should be passed over the entire body.

After the major ablution, a minor ablution is made and then one can pray.

When ?

It is compulsory after intercourse, menstruation, after delivery, after a sperm flow for the man and a viscous liquid for the woman during an erotic dream, after the death of the Muslim except the martyr, Or during a conversion from a non-Muslim to Islam. It is also highly recommended before Friday prayers.

Voilà !

Dry Ablution (El-Tayamoun)

When ?

It replaces the minor and major ablution if there is no water or in case of illness. It is only Valid for a compulsory prayer. Water is replaced by other natural elements, such as sand, pebbles, snow, earth.

1. Have the intention to make minor or major ablution. 2.Say "Bismillah" 3. Touch the stone with both hands together, 1 time. 4. Wipe the face, starting with the forehead, 1 time 5. Place your hands on the stone again and wipe your arms up to your elbows and hands.

Voilà !

Thank you for having read this article, hope you liked it and that it will be beneficial.

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- Jazak Allah khyran -

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